Backup Exec 2010 License Key File

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Backup Exec 2010 License Key File

Solved: Hi I have just bought a new agent license for backup exex 2010 and have been sent slf files. How do I import these. Import slf license file into backup exec 2010. SLF files are for BE2012, if you are using BE2010, you will need to contact the Symantec licensing desk to ask for downgrade keys for BE2010. Spotlight Oracle Serial.

Providing clients within your network transfer data fast than that (please test to confirm). I would say it would either be a limitation set on the RAID controller check this by going to: -Start Menu Programs HP System Tools HP Array Configuration Utility Confirm nothing is set here to limit the rate, you might have to restart the server and enter the configuration of the card during start-up to get full options. If this is not he case check to make sure the network card is set to auto-detect in device manager. If you copy a file on the server to another location on the same disk does the data still read slow?