Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) UCSB has a with all California community colleges. TAG offers guaranteed admission to California community college students who meet specific requirements. TAG establishes criteria for guaranteed admission to UCSB for the fall term only. At UCSB, TAGs are available for all majors in the College of Letters and Science except performing arts majors. The TAG is not available for any majors in the College of Engineering or the College of Creative Studies. Students should refer to the website under articulation agreements by major between UCSB and their community college for more specific details on articulated courses.
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Gore, explosions, mystery and like loads of thin flaunting girls. Like what else can you ask for? Yeah, if you want depth and crap like Mama Mia then go for that, but here the music and the dance comes from the type of oozing blood that few masters can deliver and one of those has directed TAG! Don't miss it even if it hard to find.