Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi
Bandit Queen Movie Free Download In Hindi Hd. VIDYA CHITR PRAKASHAN - Exporter, Manufacturer, Distributor & Supplier of Road Safety Rules Chart based in Delhi, India. Active-Passive Voice,Explained in simple English and Hindi.
The instrumental case can also be used to convert a speech from an active voice to a passive voice. In the active voice, the subject performs the verb. Manhunt 2 Psp Iso Uncut Torrent. In the passive voice the verb is performed on the object by or through the subject. The subject acts as a king of instrument.
Hari is helped by Raju. The content of both the sentences is same. But, the first statement the form of the verb shows that Raju - the subject of the sentence - is doing something, is active, whereas the second sentence is showing that Hari - the subject of the sentence is inactive (passive).
दोनो वाक्यों का भाव एक ही है. किन्तु पहले वाक्य में, verb का स्वरूप यह दिखाता है कि कर्ता Raju स्वयं कार्य करता है और दूसरे वाक्य से ज्ञात होता है कि कर्ता Hari के लिए कार्य किया गया है. पहले वाक्य में चर्चा Raju पर केन्द्रित है जो कार्य में सक्रीय (active) है और दूसरे में चर्चा Hari पर केन्द्रित जो कार्य के संदर्भ में निश्क्रीय (passive) है.